Hello all of my wonderful readers! How are you? I was supposed to post a mascara review, but the photos were poor quality, in my opinion. I tried taking them in daylight, but sadly, it rained for the majority of the day. Thank you rain. I will have the new pictures up later on today though, that is something I can do for you guys. Well, I said that it was going to be a double post day, though technically it is already the next day for me, I will still post something for you. The title is straightforward and accurate too. Let’s move onto today’s post!
If you are similar to me, you drop everything, at least once a day if not twenty times during a single day. Cups full of water, pancakes, and makeup. Or if you do not drop things at an alarmingly harmful rate, then you could possibly smudge your eyeliner...across your nose. Sadly, I do this sometimes, but I have three tips that are sure to fix three common beauty blunders.
Tip 1: Many of you have little time to apply cosmetics in the morning, which can lead to mistakes. Often, the makeup remover will be too far to get or too hard to find in order to save time during the morning rush. To erase or diminish the appearance of mascara marks on the brow bone area or even eyeshadow flecks on the cheeks, take a tissue and put a bit of lotion on it and rub the mark away. I do not advise any of you to use this as a makeup remover; however, it is just a quick fix for mistakes.
Tip 2: To get rid of any flyaway hairs, lightly mist hairspray on a baby hairbrush (or any brush with extremely fine bristles) and gently pat or skim the top of the flyaways to make them go down.
Tip 3: If you ever get nail varnish all over your hands or cuticles, finish your manicure, and go for a shower when it’s dry. When you come out, your nails should be cleanly made up. Also, if you desire a matte finish on your nails, skip the topcoat. A bit of the varnish might chip, but a quick touch up should fix that.
There, three easy tips to fix three common mistakes. The mascara post will be up today. If I have to retake photos again, the post will still stay up, and I will add new pictures if possible. Thank you for reading, I hope I helped.
Happy Fixing