Hey everyone! My, oh my! Its already the last few day of May. I don't know about you, but I have been listening to several songs nonstop, and I am loving the transition of pop and soul music back into the type of music I was feeling nostalgia for. Here are some of my fav songs of the month.
Fine China- Chris Brown
Though this is not the official music video, I still find that Chris Brown's dancing is pure talent that is just awesome to watch.
The Way- Ariana Grande ft. Mac Miller
So the first thing that came to mind when I first heard this song was that Mariah Carey came out with a new song. Boy, was I wrong. Ariana Grande can really sing, and I hope she gets more exposure in the music world.
Tunnel Vision- Justin Timberlake
Tunnel Vision- Justin Timberlake
If you're one of the people that is fangirling over the 20/20 Experience, then this song will take all of that enthusiasm to a whole new level.
Deepest Shame- Plan B
One of my favourite artists that raps and sings. This song is sure to get stuck in your head eventually. Don't fight it :P
That's my list, what would be on yours?
Thank you for reading