Friday, 15 June 2012

Last Day of School :D

Hello my amazing readers! How are all of you? Today was the last day of school for me, and it sure made me feel nostalgic. I thought about all of my years in that one school, and how it was slowly coming to an end. I still have one more year to go, but I will truly miss it. It really makes you think about what we take for granted in life. School is where you forge unbreakable friendships, make sacrifices for the better, and figure out who we are as members of society. I know there are a lot of people that hated/hate school, but just think, you are given the chance to make a difference in this world, with your education. Don't get me wrong, doing physics homework at 1 AM sucks, if it was up to me, I'd make homework optional (there's always that one person that loves doing physics). Well, I hope you all had an amazing Friday, and congratulations to all those that have graduated this year.

Happy Friday
