Friday, 26 October 2012

How to Achieve Sculpted Blush in 30 Seconds or Less!

Hello everyone! Humans have been applying various types of pigments to enhance their cheekbones for centuries.Though its fun to try all if the different types, it can take quite a bit of time, just to achieve that perfectly sculpted loom most of us want to attain when applying blush. I was experimenting with many different tricks, and I found this one by accident.

Make a "peace-sign" with  one hand, and place it palm side up, and resting against your cheek . Change the angle of your hand, so it follows the lines of your cheekbone. Line up the point of the peace-sign where your mandible joint would be. Apply your favourite blush to the skin inside the peace sign, remove your hand, and then blend it out any harsh lines. You can now enjoy your perfectly sculpted blush!

Take Care
