Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Well, hello there free time, we meet again...


Hello my wondercats! How are you doing today? I am finally back, after a month of studying for diploma exams, and boy, that was a a life-sucker. It was hard for me to not blog all month, as I had so my reviews and tutorials to share with you!I thought that this slightly cheesy tumblr photo fit the bill just right. On a positive note, winter in Canada is almost over! The weather has been crazy in my town, we had over 5 feet of snow in some areas! However, this used to be the norm way back in the day, during a few winter seasons. For those of you that also finished your diplomas, I congratulate you for enduring the mind-numbing torture of doing all of those numerical response questions and picking the right answer from a question with 3 of the exact same options. I only have two this coming semester, so not a lot of cutbacks in free time.

Now that I have a ton of free time, this is the perfect way to introduce new ideas for the blog , which I am excited for. Before I sign off, I wanted to thank you for sticking around, though there have been no posts for a looong time!

Happy Thursday!
