Monday, 13 October 2014

Enjoying the Little Moments of Life

Howdy! It seems that I've taken up the role of the elusive blogger, rather than one that can't stop raving about the newest mascara. Sometimes, its good to take a break. I've kind of let school take a huge bite out of my available free time, as I recently switched universities. Its close to the one that I used to attend, but now that I'm another year wiser ( let's be real, I still have no idea how to study properly) according to the school system, I have more, er, knowledge to absorb. I know, what a drag. It's taken me a while to get into the swing of things, but already having friends at this new school made things a lot easier. It doesn't hurt that any new people that hang around are super approachable and enthusiastic.

I will admit, it can be hard at times to appreciate these things. Especially when your routine at school ( or work, home, etc.) can make you feel like your a wind up toy that only stops to rest once you run into a wall, and nobody is there to wind you back up again.It's currently 2:07 AM as I am writing this. Kind of an odd time to be up and writing, but for a busy college student, this is still "early" in my evening. All puns aside, it makes a huge difference in your day, after a lab that ran over its scheduled time ( didn't know it was possible to be half an hour OVER a three hour ochem lab) if you happen to receive a text from a bunch of your friends asking you to come grab a bit of questionable tacos at the cafeteria to unwind. It may not seem like much; while you debate the identity of that taco that may or may not be filled with shredded chicken, and laugh about spilling your whole sample of extracted chemicals onto the floor.

Learning to look back and appreciate all of the little things in your life may be the one thing that finally gets you to your degree, even if those wonderful ochem labs seem to be running later and later.

Well, I'm off to go study. Good luck to all of you first timers with your midterms ( and hey, you second years can try to get a little bit more shut eye, too)
