Monday, 11 November 2013

Back into the Swing of Things

Hello there!
As a bunch of you readers have noticed, I haven't been posting for about several weeks, and boy, I wanted to blog so badly! I am currently enrolled in university and am loving every bit of my experience, as I am finally settled in and used to how things work. My lack of posts was due to me feeling as if I would only have time to do reviews, and not everything else that I had planned, so I decided to just take a break, and focus on getting used to a new experience and forming a new routine to incorporate everything.I shall try to use my Instagram account more often, seeing as I created an account without using it (who knows, may end up as one of those people who obsessively post stuff, but let's hope not). Well, since I've been gone for a while, what have you guys been up to lately?

Catch you on the flip side,

Electric Blush   xo