Sunday 19 August 2012

Freshman Beauty Tips

Hello lovely readers! Right now the sun is shining, and it`s the perfect weather for playing  tennis. I don`t want summer to end yet! Well, some of you readers might be on your way to the real world in September. And  yes, I am referring to uni/college life. Amid the late night studying and friendly parties (who are we kidding here) money isn't as easy to obtain as before. I decided to make a list of beauty tips for all you shiny new students, which I hope makes you feel a bit more comfortable living on your own.

Tip #1: Avoid bringing too many high-end cosmetics

I'm tying not to be the cynic in the room, but things can go missing quite frequently, especially if you are known to have an abundance of drugstore brands in your dorm.

 It's fine of you are careful with where you store them, and if you have a very trustworthy room-mate ( if that applies to you), but keep it on the down-low that you are loaded with Holy Grail products from Sephora. It may not be a problem to replace the items, but again, money isn't always at your disposal, and a bit of financial management should be put into place.

Tip #2: Buy EVERYTHING on sale, and keep splurging to a minimum

This may seem like a no-brainer, and some of you may be scoffing at this tip, but its not as easy as it sounds. You might try resisting that new limited edition Urban Decay palette at the mall, but it will use all the forces of the universe to lure you toward its shimmery self. You must resist, it will go on sale anyways. Until then, go lurking through a drugstore for a dupe; its easier to find one nowadays.

Tip #3: Never share cosmetics with your room-mate, no mater how long yo have known them

Again, this is another tip that should be a no-brainer, because most of us don't want pink-eye. That simple, but people still do it. Ignore their begging and the "we've known each other since birth" spiel. Don't. Give. In. Its even worse if you contract eye disease from a close friend. Makes it even more awkward. In stead, why not go shopping for makeup with them? That way, you can get the colours you are vying for, and avoid awkward eye disease.

Tip #4: Go coupon hunting

Gone are the days where coupon clipping was a sport stereotypically reserved for parental figures, and those cousins twice-removed. If you can save money on that sweet new outfit you found at the mall, clip it and save cash. A lot of magazines and beauty have coupons and coupon codes at your disposal, so try to avoid paying full price as much as possible. 

Well, that's it for now. I might make this into a series of tips for new college students, so I'll keep you updated. Have a good day everyone.

Happy Saving


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