Sunday 23 September 2012

DIY: Sweet & Salty Body Scrub

Hello lovely readers! The warm weather outside has put me in a very good mood, and I decided to do a DIY post today. I have been so swamped with school the past couple of weeks, but I finally have a chance to blog without worry.

I recently bought this awesome scrub a couple weeks ago, and it made my skin so soft and feeling hydrated. It came in a small package, only contained about 50 mL of product, as I bought it in a set. The regular-sized one was the 200 mL version, but I still feel as if I can make this myself at home, and still be just as effective ( the product cost $20 CAD). So, here is my version, of an easy and effective body scrub.


Salt (any edible variety, such as table salt, kosher salt, or even sea salt)
Sugar ( again, use which ever kind you desire)
Oil ( I prefer olive oil, but any other kind such as grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, or even marula oil is just as hydrating)
Reusable container with lid

Let's Get Started!

Step 1: Measure out two spoons of salt, and mix in one spoon of sugar, and pour into a reusable container.

Step 2: Gently pour in a small amount of honey, just enough to create a rough paste.

Step 3: Add a little bit of the oil, just enough to coat the mixture.

Step 4: Keep adding different proportions of ingredients, until the desired consistency is reached, though a smooth paste is the most ideal. St

Step 5: You have now made a wonderful body scrub, that should last for 3-5 days!

I love to use this scrub when my skin feels parched and itchy from the changing weather. The salt and sugar act as great natural exfolitants, that will gradually dissolve as you use them. it will not dissolve right away, but will dissolve once you rinse off. Some of you may feel skeptical about using oil( especially if you are prone to body acne) but fear not, oil can be good for your skin, as it hydrates dry skin, and has the ability to regenerate skin cells. The honey is good for softening the skin, as well as a natural antibacterial product. I hope you enjoyed this post, stay tuned for the next one!

Happy Scrubbing


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